Friday, February 18, 2011

Our Foundation

After God created Light and darkness heaven and earth, seas and all the animals, he took dust and with his hands he created man, Adam. However, when he took a good look at everything he has created, he wasn’t satisfied. How come?
Imagine all these great things being created moon, stars, flowers, birds, trees and the good man whom he called Adam, and still God, the King of all kings, the Genius of all geeks, felt that something was missing. The creation must have missed something very important if God could feel its incompleteness. Thus, he had the greatest idea. The bible said God said and I quote “It is not good that the man should be alone….” Why would he think that it is not a good thing for Adam to live by himself? Why would he think that a grown man as Adam cannot be on his own? Why would he need to give him a companion? Thus as we all know the story he created the amazing Eve. This tells us all that the creation wouldn’t be complete without our great existence. As they were both living they had the choice to continue to live in this wonderful paradise or struggle to survive, but Eve chose to behave badly and fed Adam with the forbidden apple and God did not let them go unpunished. He punished the snake for his duplicity, Eve for her rebellious curiosity, and Adam for not being responsible and strong enough to resist Eve’s charms until ate the apple.
As a matter of fact, we are all paying the consequences now, and men have dedicated their life to prove their strength. They even make laws to make us women think that they’re superior, and for years we have blindly surrender ourselves. We ignore our power, so they can govern; we hide our charms so they will not go unnoticed and they clearly admit they love it. They do everything so the world can crown them as powerful and they even use the bible to show their significance. Apostle Paul, a great disciple remarked in the bible “Wives submit unto your husband …. For he is the head of the wife…. So let the wives are the subject to their husband on everything.” They are obviously afraid of falling into the same situation as Adam because they might just act worst. And I do not blame Paul because he was just applying the concept of his time. So for him that was the law and any good Christian should obey the law as long as it doesn’t divert your attention from God. Moreover, I’m thinking this is the same reason why Jesus in the ten commandment specifically stated “Thy shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.” He knows their weakness and as the great male philosopher, Honor’e de Balzac, stated “Man are like that, they can resist sound and yield at a glance.”
.” What I am going to ask now is very important; why despite the disobedience of Eve God allowed all the great nation, kings and geniuses to come from her? Even Jesus was born from a woman. If woman was so inferior and so restricted from everything at this period of time, what message do you think Jesus wanted to show? But of course, they ignore that because men couldn't stand the idea of women as their equal. Jesus knows us more than anybody in the whole world; in fact, he created us with our natural beauty and strength so despite of the pain mothers feel while delivering baby to the world, they are still the one who carried these geniuses.

A suivre.....


Unknown said...

Great blog..Keep using the gift God blessed you with

Unknown said...

thank you steph